Spiritual Formation
To Play or Not to Play – Hard Decisions After Sports Injuries
It was pitch-black outside as I limped into the ER. You're fine, you're fine, I kept telling myself.
The Gift of an Honest, Two-Way Conversation With God
For many years, I thought prayer was just a one-way conversation. I asked God for what I or others around me needed but never stopped to listen. I didn’t expect God to talk back to me.
To Do Good and To Be Good
Jesus modeled for us how to be connected to the needs of a broken world while remaining without sin.
The Kingdom of God: Beautiful on Purpose
At the climax of God’s creative endeavors is the declaration that creation is good, and this creation is beautiful. Therefore, we must consider the idea that in God’s eyes, beauty is good.
To Know Our Maker
When our faith is reduced to religious acts alone, it falls short of God’s design.
What Do We Do When We Don’t Belong?
It’s a strange thing. I’m sitting here with all these people. Some I’ve known for quite a while. It’s a beautiful day.
David and Goliath & the Trial That Wasn't Really a Trial
The testing and trials David went through when no one else was around were what shaped him the most.
Defense Against an Incomplete Gospel
We've bought into misguided cultural narratives about faith. Rather than being the light of the world, reflecting God's perfect radiance, our light is filtered through our cultural lenses.
Who's in Your Wallet?: Resisting Materialism
When we refuse to give in to the desire for money and possessions, we short circuit the systems of this world.