Lisa Schrad
Lisa Schrad worked at InterVarsity Press for over nine years as a proofreader and Bible study editor and then at InterVarsity’s headquarters on the Communications Team. She has an MFA in poetry from Butler University and loves reading, writing,and having good conversations with family and friends over steaming-hot beverages.
Content created by this author:
How to Say Goodbye Well
Goodbyes are never easy, but we can learn to navigate them with wisdom and grace. Here are some tips on how!
How to Make Friends Without Looking Desperate
We all want and need close friends. But how do we find them?
Disappointed with God
What do we do with disappointment? What do we do when there’s a gap between what we wanted or expected and what actually happens? Even more, what do we do with God in the face of disappointment?
Welcome to the Enneagram: A Tool for Transformation
What is the Enneagram? Join us at the blog over the next nine weeks to get a little taste of this helpful tool.
Spiritual Disciplines of Advent and Christmas: Worship
It’s easy to sing carols and praise God for sending Jesus on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, with candles glowing and people you love around you. It is harder (at least for me) to look ahead at a brand new untouched year and praise him for what he will do in that year. To do that, we have to ask if we really believe that he can only, ever, work for the good of those he loves.
What Difference Does Prayer Make in the World?
Do I really believe that change would come if I stopped my “actions” and “just” prayed for reconciliation and justice and provision for those in need? And do I really believe, when I am working for justice, that it’s actually God who brings about the change, and not me? Most of the time, I’m not sure I do.
The Sorrow and Mercy of God
“What is this you have done?”
These words from God to Eve in Genesis 3:13 are always heart-wrenching to me when I read them. I imagine so much anguish in his voice.
Your Life Doesn’t Have to Look Like Everyone Else’s
About nine months ago, at the age of 36, with the majority of my friends married and owning houses and raising kids, I moved in with a family to rent a room from them. It’s not what I envisioned for 36, but it’s great.
Following Jesus into Reconciliation
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was, without a doubt, a great leader.
But he was a great follower first.
Look Back to Look Forward: Questions to Review Your Year
Right now the Internet is full of predictions, invitations to new year’s resolutions, and promises about what 2017 could be with the right [insert latest product/diet/happy thought here].