JULY 14-20

  • 14 - Please pray for new InterVarsity staff members in the New York/New Jersey region as they participate in training today through July 17 and prepare to share the Gospel with students on area campuses.
  • 15 - Pray for the 13 students from Pennsylvania State University in University Park to develop their leadership skills after attending Chapter Camp in May. Pray for boldness as they share God's truth with new students on campus during the fall semester.
  • 16 - Students and staff in the New England region are preparing for ethnic-specific and program-based affinity groups beginning this fall. Pray for them to seek God's vision as they minister to their peers within their fields of study.
  • 17 - Pray for Alex Smith and Haley Yang, ministry interns at the University of Chicago in Illinois, to trust God’s provision as they develop ministry partnership teams and as they begin ministering to students in September.
  • 18 - InterVarsity students from campuses in the Northwest region are sharing the Gospel and serving residents in East Asia during a summer Global Project. Pray for safe travel and cross-cultural understanding, and for those who hear God's truth to accept Christ.
  • 19 - Pray for members of the St. Louis City Lights Urban Project Visioning Cohort as they reflect on their experience and seek God's direction for the future of the ministry.
  • 20 - Senior leaders of alumni ministry from InterVarsity, Cru, and the Navigators are gathering in Denver, CO, to pray and collaborate to improve the lifelong discipleship of former college students. Pray for effective interaction during their meetings.