Practice With Your Partners

Learn to Use Your Essential Tools
Now that you’ve gather as a community of partners to join in starting a new ministry you need to practice together to get ready for your first steps on campus. You’ll begin a weekly rhythm of starting spiritual conversations with new students and gathering them to encounter Jesus together. Two essential tools that we recommend throughout this rhythm are the Faith Journey Quiz and the Encounters with Jesus Series. Take some time to get familiar with these tools:
Faith Journey Quiz
Look over the quiz
Read the script
Watch how Madi and her friends have used the Faith Journey Quiz
Encounters with Jesus Series
Look over the Bible Study
Read the Leaders Guide
Watch how Bethany has used the Encounters with Jesus Series
Practice for Your First Campus Visit
Your coach will help train you and your partners to use these essential tools on your first campus visit. You and your partners should role play the different tools to become comfortable with the material. For example, use the script and the Exploring Faith Quiz card to train them how to start a spiritual conversation. Then set up a role play where they approach you and lead a conversation through the quiz.

Don't have a coach yet? Sign up for a meeting with a coach now to get prepared to engage the campus!
You can start something new. We can help.