The real story of what happened last December is just beginning

University of Illinois Grad students travel to Europe for spring break

Lisa Yu works on the campus of Adelphi University

Addressing a growing spiritual hunger on the American college campus

Sharon Cohn is a lawyer with the International Justice Mission.

Before going out into the mission field of the college campus, one hundred twenty-six new staff members, the second largest group ever, are gathering in Madison, Wisconsin, June 18-27, to learn ministry techniques and be equipped to share God's love within campus communities.
A piece of prose by T.E. Lawrence was tacked to a bulletin board beside my desk. "All men dream, but not equally. They who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it is vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they act their dream with open eye, to make it possible." I loved the idea of being a dangerous man who acted his dreams.
InterVarsity staff workers at the University of Washington decided last winter that they wanted evangelism to be a higher priority. As staff and students prayed, the phrase that kept coming up was to be a light on campus. It turned into an eventful semester and they saw their prayers answered more literally than they expected.

Leaders of 150 Christian student movements from around the world will gather near Hamilton, Ontario, next month for the quadrennial IFES World Assembly. InterVarsity alumni have a special invitation to attend, particularly those who have ties with IFES through Global Projects, Link, "twinning" chapters, and other activities. Alumni can serve as volunteers or attend Alumni Day on July 14th.

The winner of Christianity Today's 2007 Book Award for Missions/ Global Affairs.
