The gift of intimate communication with God distilled through years of suffering.

For Christian youth, the transition from high school to college can be difficult. According to a survey by The Barna Group, a Christian research firm, "sixty-one percent of today's young adults...churched at one point in their teen years...are now not actively attending church, reading the Bible, or praying."

After four years or more of college preparation, students are transitioning into jobs and careers for which they hope they have been prepared. Vice president-at-large Pete Hammond offers some Bible-tested wisdom for new graduates.

A wildfire last week that destroyed more than 4,000 acres of dry brush on California's Santa Catalina island threatened Campus by the Sea, which has been a vital InterVarsity training center for much of the past half century. The raging flames got as close as the ridge-top overlooking the camp on Thursday evening, May 10, just hours after the camp was evacuated.

Wildfires threaten InterVarsity’s west coast training center

Christian nurses represent Jesus among suffering people

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA will resume on-campus activities at Georgetown University this fall, as a recognized affiliate of the Office of Campus Ministry. InterVarsity was among six groups that were disaffiliated nine months ago.

The ministry focus each spring is on inner city neighborhoods

The New York Times is right

A "glittering" outreach that brings students to faith in Christ
