An Urbana testimony from a student with a new perspective on her life

Urbana attendees learned that the facts about AIDS. Most importantly they learned that they can do something about the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

This was the first time the Urbana convention had been held anywhere other than Urbana, Illinois, since InterVarsity's first Missions Convention in 1946.

It is through prayer that we see God’s purposes in the world and on college campuses accomplished.

It's not just five days at the end of December. Urbana continues even today.

Wheaton College Graduate School and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership .

Students initiated dialogue about racism and diversity at Occidental College—Los Angeles

The Journal of Christian Nursing reports on how this disease is impacting the lives of Christian nurses.

Through the loving community Rachel experienced, she accepted Christ into her heart

Gary is the founder and president of International Justice Mission, an international human rights ministry that rescues victims of slavery, particularly those oppressed by human trafficking and sexual exploitation. IJM specializes in freeing children and women from the sex slave trade by bringing pedophiles and traffickers to justice.
