InterVarsity president Alec Hill finds resonance in the words of the prophet.

By Adam Jeske

Why am I writing about lust?

By Lisa Liou

In the past year, I have found myself in more conversations about Jesus with people outside the Christian faith than in any other year since college.

Liz and Jesse North planted a campus ministry at Bucknell University with just two students.

By Andrea Lama

Suddenly, in my mind, I’m tearing my coworker apart limb from limb. How could she get the recognition that I rightfully deserved? This was the moment when I realized that pride was a problem in my life.

By Andy Kim

What would it look like if, every day, in every conversation, in every social media interaction, followers of Jesus lived out Philippians 2:3-4 in the ways we listened to others?

By Amy Hauptman

You know that feeling people get when they’re about to get on a roller coaster ride or enter Disneyland? That’s how I’ve felt about eating for as long as I can remember.

Through InterVarsity Isaac has grown as a leader on the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus.

By Steven Grahmann

When I was in college, I was addicted to the Nintendo 64 game GoldenEye 007.

Students and faculty are returning to campus and we are ready for a new year of ministry.
