With less than six months before the beginning of Urbana 09, thousands of registrants have already committed to attend InterVarsity's 22nd triennial student missions conference in St. Louis, MO.

Bobby Gross spent 13 years as the New York/New Jersey regional director, the longest time he has held one position in his 32-year career with InterVarsity. As of July 1, 2009, Bobby became the director of InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministry, succeeding Cam Anderson.

UCLA's Can This Wait conference encourages students to answer Jesus' call to faith.

Who better to influence a college student's life than their peers on campus?

The influence of InterVarsity's Urbana student missions conference, the longest running student conference in the world, is being multiplied by a wave of new Urbana-type conferences in many other countries. What began as a movement of North American students in 1946 in Toronto is being increasingly owned by university students from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

With about 1,000 students being reached through InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty chapters at Harvard, this ministry has transformed its focus for engaging the campus.

Students walking across Stanford University's White Plaza on May 21, 2009, were surprised to see four goats and a yak grazing on the grass. Many stopped to pet the goats and have their pictures taken with them, which is just what the members of InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship were hoping they would do.

One of the best parts of my job is to receive first-hand accounts of students and faculty accepting the Father's gift of salvation through Jesus.

Scott Yeager wasn't trying to win any awards. He was trying to engage Roanoke College students with the gospel by showing them examples of unconditional love.

25 students came to faith one night at the University of Rhode Island
