Is God necessary for morality? This was the question for the debate between Dr. William Craig, Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, and Shelly Kagan, Clark Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, on the evening of February 24, 2009, at Columbia University in New York City.

Students in the Greek system on campuses across America often fall into the stereotypes that we ascribe to typical college students: partying and sex are prevalent among fraternity and sorority students. But God has been transforming the Greek system from the inside out, using organizations like InterVarsity to reach students for himself.

It was because of some InterVarsity students that Sim Gregory and her husband became Christians while they were in college. So volunteering for InterVarsity was a natural step for her.

InterVarsity's Black Campus Ministry invited students to meet in Atlanta in December

As president of Alpha Xi sorority, Emily wanted more for her sisters than belonging to a social group

The InterVarsity chapter at New Mexico Tech has made evangelism an increasing priority

One great love in your life is not enough. We need more, particularly if we are going to lead a good life. We need at least four great loves.

First semester reports show many responses to student witness. Students are still seeking spiritual answers and InterVarsity is there for them.

InterVarsity's 22nd triennial Student Missions Conference will be held December 27-31, 2009, at the Edward Jones Dome and America's Center in St. Louis, MO. College students, church leaders, and anyone else interested in pursuing God's global mission are invited to Urbana 09.

Through InterVarsity Cynthia solidified the foundations of her Christian faith
