God in Every Moment

The examen is a spiritual exercise developed in the 16th century by St. Ignatius. At its core, the examen is a tool that helps us become aware of God’s presence throughout our day. It is particularly suited to facilitate the exploration of our emotions with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

One of the things I appreciate most about the examen is that it can be incorporated into the workday. The examen is 15 minutes long, allowing it to be utilized in-between meetings or during a break. When I worked on campus, I enjoyed walking through the examen during lunch. Sitting on a bench by the lakeshore of the college, I’d listen to the gentle roll of the waves and reflect on the highs and lows of the day. In those reflective moments, I found perspective, peace, and signs of God’s provision.

The guide below will take you through the stages of the examen. Some find it helpful to journal their thoughts while they go through the exercise; doing so also allows you to revisit past examens to see patterns in your life and how God has been at work. You can download a printable outline with space to write out your reflections. I hope this guide helps you integrate the spiritual and professional, seeing God in every moment of the day.

— Zach Baldwin

Awareness of God’s Presence (2 minutes)

Find a quiet place where you can avoid distractions. Once you find a spot, take a few minutes to settle your thoughts. Sit in stillness, inviting the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to speak to you and help you recall the events and emotions of the past day.

Review the Day (3 minutes)

Think through the day, mindful that God is present in each moment. Make a simple timeline of events from the last 24 hours, both at work and at home. Include conversations, activities, and meals; list significant incidents, as well as the “mundane.”

  • Which experiences stand out?
  • Where do you see God as you review the day?
  • What moments elicit thanksgiving?

Reflect on Emotions (3 minutes)

Our emotions shape our thoughts and responses, as well as impact our spiritual well-being. List out the emotions you experienced over the past day. Give special attention to the ways that the day’s feelings affected you mentally and spiritually.

  • What moments of contentedness or joy did you experience?
  • What moments of sadness or fear did you experience?
  • What emotions drew you closer to God? What feelings made you feel distant?

Pray Through a Moment (5 minutes)

Review your list of events and emotions. Invite the Holy Spirit to call attention to one of the experiences of the past day. Pray over the aspect of your day that stands out.

  • What kind of response is God inviting you to have? Lament? Praise? Confession? Intercession?
  • What action might God be calling you to take through this particular moment of your day?
  • What is God revealing about Himself in this moment?

Prepare for the Coming Day (2 minutes)

While we don’t know what the next 24 hours will bring, we can take comfort in seeing how God has been at work over the past day. Reflect on the challenges and opportunities you anticipate in the coming day. Pray over these expectations, asking the Holy Spirit to increase your awareness of God’s presence in each of tomorrow’s moments.



Zach Baldwin serves as the Director of InterVarsity’s Student Affairs Christian Network.