
September 15, 2006

While Andrea Thomas, regional director in Texas, frantically flipped burgers in the 100 degree heat at Texas A & M University in College Station, the line grew to 150 students waiting for burgers and hot dogs. About 500 people came to Burger Bash 2006.

September 15, 2006

This calendar offers an idea of the opportunities available to continue your support of InterVarsity in your area and across the country. These events offer opportunities for volunteering and for prayer.

September 15, 2006

InterVarsity occasionally is put in the difficult position of fighting for the right to be on campus. Earlier this year the University of Wisconsin Superior chapter was notified that it no longer qualified as a recognized student organization. Last month Georgetown University in Washington D.C. included InterVarsity in a list of six Protestant evangelical organizations which were disaffiliated.
