A Better Foundation: Bella’s Story

When Bella Coulter started her freshman year at the University of Virginia (UVA), her faith was shaky.
“I was coming into college confused about my faith, trying to figure it out, wanting to have a better faith foundation, but not sure where to go or how to start doing that,” Bella said.
Through InterVarsity, God began transforming Bella’s life, giving her a strong faith foundation that could last her a lifetime.
Students are often drawn to InterVarsity because of the community. Bella’s story is no different.
But her freshman year happened to be during the pandemic. As she entered college, she longed for a strong Christian community to help her get through what felt like such an isolating time. With lockdowns and remote classes, Bella wondered, just like many other students, how she could make friends in such a disconnected environment.
Bella joined an InterVarsity online small group and, once campus opened in the spring, began attending in-person meetings.
Over her four years at UVA, her small group members became some of her closest friends.
“Small group community over my four years at UVA has meant a safe place every week where I can come without fear of judgment and learn about my faith with some really amazing women,” Bella said.

In her small group, Bella learned the value of vulnerability, connection, and deep community.
“It’s been such a blessing and joy for me,” she said.
Bella’s time in InterVarsity also exposed her to different faith traditions and practices. One spiritual practice that transformed her faith and understanding of God was Sabbath.
“InterVarsity was the first time that I experienced things like a retreat of silence (…) and practices that require you to just sit down with God.”
The experience of just being silent and resting with God was intimidating at first. Bella struggled with perfectionism her whole life and was used to filling her schedule with as many tasks as possible to prove to herself and others that she was thriving.
In InterVarsity, she was challenged to surrender this to God.
“God wants me just for who I am,” Bella said. “Not for all the things that I can do.”
Over time, Bella learned to prioritize and say no to things. She started realizing how important it was to operate out of overflow from a relationship with God rather than out of obligation and burnout.
“God just wants me to sit with him and not fill my schedule because he can work in those quiet moments just as well as he can work in the busy schedule,” Bella said.
Discipleship And Leadership
Another experience that shaped Bella’s faith was discipleship.
During her second year, a fellow InterVarsity student, Kaitlyn, began meeting with Bella regularly to talk and help her navigate life.
“It's been one of the most fruitful experiences that I've had in college,” Bella said.
Bella gained a vision through being discipled by Kaitlyn of what she wanted to be to others. Because she had been cared for so well for by Kaitlyn, she was eager to continue the cycle and disciple another student.
“[I want to be] someone who listens first and who doesn't necessarily offer advice, but is there as a gentle guidance,” Bella said.
However, Bella still struggled to see herself as a leader. When she was asked to be the Large Group Coordinator for her chapter, she worried that she wasn’t the right person for the job. But Kaitlyn encouraged her to push past her fears of inadequacy and try it out anyway.
The role turned out to not only be fun for Bella, but it also helped her build on some of her strengths and interests, like planning and choosing the topics her chapter would explore.
“At first I really did not think that I would be well fitted for the role,” Bella said. “But what I've learned is that God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Now I can't imagine myself being in any other role.”
A Strong Foundation for Every Student
After graduating, Bella plans to move Arizona to start optometry school. She wants to continue being involved in ministry, though she’s not sure exactly what that will look like yet.
“It’s kind of a big mystery right now,” she said.
Even if her new life doesn’t involve working in a church or other Christian context, Bella hopes to do ministry in her day-to-day interactions, to “just try to be like Christ in everything [she does]”
Despite the unknowns, some things are certain: Bella is leaving college with a greater appreciation for community and rest, and she trusts God to shape her into the leader he’s calling her to be.
This is the kind of strong foundation InterVarsity hopes to give every college student.
Want to learn more about why you should join InterVarsity? Read this blog for five reasons!