Stories from Campus


Emily Baez
After speaking with eight InterVarsity campus ministers representing seven states, I found that no region in the U.S. has a "greater" or "lesser" need for witnessing communities.


Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp

For college students across the country, the rigors of academia and social pressures on campus can leave them feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, all they need is a chance to get away to be with God.  


Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp
Even with all its historical significance, what Tuskegee University might not be known for — at least not yet — is revival. 


Emily Baez

"I really love going to large group, and I love meeting God in that space, but I’m not sure if that’s a good enough reason to lead,” Annie, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) student, confessed at a leaders’ meeting in 2020. 

She had been leading students in her fellowship, without the support of a full-time campus minister, for the previous year—but now she doubted herself.

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