NLI 24: Student Leaders Receive a Rousing Call to Campus

“The Lord met me face to face and showed me the revival starting in our generation,” said Nina, a student in the Greek InterVarsity chapter at San Diego State University.
Nina is one of 65 InterVarsity student leaders who attended the National Leadership Institute (NLI) in Wheaton, Illinois this past June. Students like her gathered from all over the country to engage in manuscript Bible study, participate in prayer and worship, and workshop with fellow student leaders about being missional on campus.
NLI was a unique opportunity for InterVarsity student leaders to learn from national leaders in the movement. InterVarsity’s Executive Leadership Team hosted and served as small group leaders for the student attendees. Vince Bacote, IVP author and Professor of Theology at Wheaton College, taught them how to engage in conflict and to listen deeply as acts of loving their neighbor. Ed Ollie, the chair of InterVarsity’s Board, gave a challenging call to campus. And NaKhia Hopkins Grays, Assistant Regional Ministry Director of the Mid-Atlantic Region, led a Bible study on Moses’ life.
Learning to Trust
Students learned how to bring their whole selves into their leadership. Like Moses, some of them may have felt unworthy, unqualified, and anxious, but they were reminded of the importance of trusting in a God who qualified them and is the ultimate source of their qualifications.
One of the most powerful experiences for the students came during a 10 a.m. Bible study session. Students were struck by Moses’ words to God: “If your presence does not go with us, I won’t go.” The Holy Spirit moved in the room and the students responded by crying out to see God’s glory, presence, and holiness on their campuses. They were kneeled and cried, longing for revival on their colleges and universities.
Renewed Purpose
For some student leaders, NLI was a place of encouragement. “God confirmed my calling to campus leadership,” said Avion from the College of Wooster.
“I learned how to intentionally use my gifts for God’s kingdom,” said Isaac from Eastern Florida State College.
“God showed me the unique strengths he has given me to use for leadership,” said Olivia from the University of Utah.
For others, NLI was a space for discernment. “I felt God calling me to communities that the church overlooks,” said Emily from the University of Houston.
“God softened my heart to consider applying to be an InterVarsity staff,” said Haley from The College of New Jersey.
“I have a renewed sense of purpose for leadership and a greater burden for the lost on campus,” said Esther from Hofstra University.
Faithful Steps Moving Forward
Through NLI, student leaders saw how they could live with purpose on campus and beyond and partner with God through small yet faithful steps of obedience. Students like Skylar and Maya were so encouraged by what they learned at NLI, they began taking bold steps to reach others with the gospel almost immediately after NLI ended. Skylar evangelized to people at the airport and Maya shared her testimony with someone who sat next to her on the plane. Another student even shared the gospel with his Uber driver! Many others continued chatting excitedly with one another over Slack about how God used them on their travels home.
As these students return to their campuses this fall to lead their InterVarsity communities, may everything God began in them at NLI continue to fuel their faith. Join us in praying for them to lean into their God-given callings as they head to campus!