
By Lisa Rieck

Remember your commitment to keep growing in faith over the summer? InterVarsity Press happens to have some great new resources to help you do just that: the LifeGuide in Depth Series.

By Erica

Just last semester, I was leading a Bible study with some friends who don’t follow Jesus, and one of them texted me out of the blue asking, “Erica, can God help me love myself more?”

By Steve Wimmer

Ah, Easter. Chocolate bunnies and a risen Lord . . . maybe not in that order. The resurrection of Jesus is the historical truth claim upon which the entire gospel hangs.

By Jen Herrmann

For Lent this year, I decided to drink nothing but water. The plan was to give the money that I saved to help purchase clean water for those who have none...

By Drew Larson

You’re feeling the March madness. No, not the madness of the upsets or the buzzer-beating shots.

By Penny Vinden

Mombinou Dorichamou is Assistant to the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) Regional Secretary for Francophone Africa and lives in Benin. Recently he discovered a book on meditative prayer.


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