
By Mollie Emerson

One of my favorite parts of Paul’s epistles is when Paul transparently shares what he prays for. Paul doesn’t just write to the churches in order to correct and instruct, but also to encourage and to remind them that he cares. 

By Jen Herrmann

I have received direct word from God about his will for your life. You can put away the college major guidebooks, career counseling sessions, and eharmony profiles. I know what he wants from you. Ready? Joy, prayer, and thankfulness. “Oh, come on! That’s not his will.

By Christian Holmes

I don’t think I’m the only young Christian who can get bummed out by the word “sanctification.” Once I get over how smart I sound saying a word that could get me at least 22 points in Scrabble...

By Nina Thomas

For most of my life, I have obsessed and worried over what people thought of me. I have so desperately wanted to fit this mold of society...

By Laura Abrams

In InterVarsity, we have a central belief that the scriptures in the Bible are God’s Word—and these words speak to us.

By Josh Harper

A girl in her mid-teens sprints past me on the sidewalk where I load a bed frame into a truck outside my house in Oakland, California. She isn’t out for a jog; she runs like her life depends on it.

By Lisa Liou

Imagine a kindergartener looking solemnly at a plate of broccoli. Now imagine hearing a father’s instructing voice, “In our family, we do things we don’t like.”

By Robbie Castleman

Heart transplant patients understand the concept of losing life to find life. For eighteen years I was a critical-care nurse specialist.

By Bob Grahmann

Perhaps you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to start reading your Bible or to read it more often. Great!


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