Stories from Campus

Angel lived in a world of pain and darkness. But when she took a risk to move into a Christian community house, she found a new family. 

West Virginia Wesleyan College was an hour away from Katie Mentzer’s home in Fairmont. “I realized if we really hoped to see what we wanted to happen I needed to get other people who are local involved,” she said.

Everything changed for Bennett when his best friend began following Jesus. 

Josh was done with Christian community, until he was convicted of his need for it. 

Carlos was a well-known atheist who enjoyed his Christian friend's company. When she invited him to an InterVarsity retreat, he thought, Why not?

Lauren floated through college, until her non-Christian friend introduced her to InterVarsity. Now, she wants to serve America, without chasing the American dream. 

Taylor didn’t want to have anything to do with Jesus. But when an opportunity came to serve a hurting community, she joined InterVarsity on a trip that changed her life. 

All Adryahna wanted were true friendships, but what she found was so much more. 


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