Stories from Campus

By Emily Baez

After weeks of prayer and discernment, it seemed clear that God was calling Jordan to start BCM on her campus in Auraria, Colorado. Still, Jordan struggled with doubt over whether she was right for the task.

By Drew Larson

Antonio was a nominal Chrisitan going through a particularly tough time during the spring of 2020. His therapist, seeing the need for Antionio to have community, recommended he connect with InterVarsity. 

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

No one would have thought that Lucas, the freshman drained by the church, would become Lucas the senior who would lead his chapter in studying Scripture, having a heart posture of worship, and creating a community that reflects the love that Jesus has for each of us.

By Tom Lin

How do you equip an un-churched generation that struggles with mental health into Christian leadership? 

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Since hearing about Jesus, Darren continuously struggled with his faith. That was until Jesus spoke to him clearly and gave him purpose at the Urbana 22 Student Missions Conference. 

By Nathan Peterson

To celebrate Black History Month, we’re featuring God’s work through InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministries (BCM) in Alabama. As a student herself, all Summer wanted was a deeper relationship with Jesus. Now as a campus minister, she gets to witness Jesus drawing students closer to himself. Read more of her story below.


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