The Truth About Eating Disorders

For the first twenty-two years of my life, I had a very normal relationship with food. And, though I knew a few people who’d had eating disorders, I didn’t really understand what caused them.

Then I developed one myself. It wasn’t until I started processing my own journey and heard stories from others who’d suffered for years that I began to realize how incredibly complex and multifaceted eating disorders are.

Therapy and the Gospel: Declaring the Good-Enough News

Last month, I sat in a room full of people and watched our group leader write on a white board the word each of us had identified as core to who we are. 

Fake Heart Attacks and Real Hope: My Journey with Anxiety

If we ourselves haven’t experienced a mental illness, most of us know someone who has. 

Creating Culture in Your Community

Can a couple of students, a can of paint, and a few new words really change a community?

What Is the Bible?

What is Christian doctrine? 

The Goodness of Failure in Racial Reconciliation

Have you ever attempted something that would certainly result in failure?

Making Others Feel Welcome

How can you be more welcoming to new students on your campus? 

How Jesus Has Influenced Education

You can leave a legacy on your campus. In fact, you will leave a legacy.

Your Go-to Guide for Finding a Church

How do you decide which church to get involved in? Here are a few dos and don’ts for your search.

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