During my senior year at Harvey Mudd College, I felt God calling me to connect with other Christians regularly and be a part of a community. I decided to check out InterVarsity again, and it changed my life.

By Bridget Gee

"God has slowly but surely revealed to me that my endless striving for love and admiration has been in vain, and that if I continued after it, it would also be an ever-smoldering oven, constantly needing to be fueled and fed. It was an idol."

By Diana Collymore

John Allen Chau. It seems like everyone has had an opinion. The opinions have been pretty strong.

By Brenda Jo Wong

A crucial gift that God has given us is Christian community. And by community, I don’t just mean Christians who hang out together but friends who lovingly speak God’s truth in grace to keep us on the right path. This is the kind of community the Bible encourages us toward.

By Albert Y. Hsu

In 1998, Albert Hsu received a call that his father had committed suicide. Here, Albert reflects on grief, the current statistics around suicide, where he finds hope, and how we can help those who might be struggling with suicidal thoughts.

By Andrew McCarty

I realized that I had taken up space in the church, consumed the resources of the church, and even recognized the faces of people in the church, but I’d never actually gotten the most out of my Sunday morning. Three questions can help keep you from making the same mistake.


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