By Nathan Peterson

To celebrate Black History Month, we’re featuring God’s work through InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministries (BCM) in Alabama. As a student herself, all Summer wanted was a deeper relationship with Jesus. Now as a campus minister, she gets to witness Jesus drawing students closer to himself. Read more of her story below.

By Andy Kim

Are you satisfied with your relationships? If you’re like most Americans, you probably aren’t. But here are five practices that can help you develop deep friendships.

By Steve Tamayo

Each of us wears cultural lenses. Our culture lenses shape our worldview, our relationships, our behavior … even the way we read the Bible.

By Jason Gaboury

Since your first awareness of God’s presence in your life, you’ve had a story worth telling.

By Bridget Gee

Now I often find myself hunched over my phone in line at the grocery store or sitting in my car checking TikTok for some fresh hits of dopamine before I set out on my way. It’s like I’d rather have something take up the space in my mind than be alone with the quiet of my own thoughts anymore.

By Drew Larson

But the phenomenon of highway hypnosis reveals that there are many, many ways in which you are not the boss. You are so not the boss of you, in fact, that your conscious mind can take a full daydream holiday while you’re driving and some other part of you will manage that unbelievably complex task quite well.


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