By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Going to church on Sundays was no longer enough for Cade. He wanted to see the hope of Jesus proclaimed in the streets for all people to hear.

By Eva Liu Glick

I was operating unconsciously as if everybody shared my Christian knowledge and views. It was my wake-up call. I needed to invest in friendships with non-Christians again, and that would require intentional effort.

By Hannah Keziah Agustin

Fall Conference was where God prepared me for years of serving my campus. I knew that he was going to do the same for the eager students who showed up in 2023.

By Nathan Peterson

The question “Would Jesus eat frybread?” is really asking “Would Jesus be willing to step into the complicated story of Native people?” Does he care, does he see the pain, does he see the strength there?

By Drew Larson

To Jesus the shepherd, we have names. When he calls to us, he calls with a voice whose clearest frequencies are friendship and intimacy, and whose resonance is so full of goodness that when we hear it, we want to follow. 

By Christopher K. Lee

To prevent drifting, we must stay close to Jesus and his Church. We must abide in him and hold fast to community. We must take up our cross and follow daily.


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