Christians and Online Dating: 3 Things to Consider
Should you try online dating? After months of asking myself that same question, I decided to try it out for about half a year. Here are a few things I wish I would have thought about before diving into the quirky complexity that is online dating.
Does it Spark Joy? Being Obedient with Possessions
"If I’m not tied down by physical things or how they define me, I’m free to love who and how God shows me, here or anywhere."
The Lies FOMO Tells Us
Believing FOMO’s lies has only left me disappointed, looking for another quick fix, another move to help relieve those thoughts of missing out. It’s a never-ending cycle that leaves me restless and wondering what to try and where to go next.
3 Hidden Gems from the InterVarsity Spotify Worship Playlist
"I humbly believe that the songs we sing in worship have deep impacts on our understanding...the gems of these three songs give us language around Jesus’ great commandment, posturing us to better love God with our mind, heart, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves."
3 Hidden Gems from the InterVarsity Spotify Worship Playlist
I was 12 years old, standing in a public park, watching a Christian hip-hop group, Truce, perform. Three songs, a testimony, and a call to faith. That’s the format in which I first heard the gospel. Since that day, music has been deeply a part of my discipleship. I would identify myself as a musichead.
3 Ways Prayer-Walking Changes Our Prayers for Campus
“What difference does it make if I pray by prayer-walking or pray in my bathroom?” Prayer-walking will certainly have moments of discomfort or awkwardness...But God will engage your senses to make you more aware of the revival he wants to bring to the places you’re currently standing in.
Family Beyond Blood
"Numerous people are committed to me like family, and I am included in their families and celebrations. God has given me the security of knowing that I belong, I am loved, and I am accepted unconditionally."
4 Tips for Authentic Evangelism Post-College
The Subversive Humility of Jesus
Jesus' humility stood out. Here are five lessons on how we can be humble leaders as Jesus shows us in the Last Supper.
How to Reinvigorate Your Quiet Time
Whether you’re new to discovering this sacred space, or you have grown up being taught that a good Christian should have a “daily quiet time,” it can sometimes be difficult to know what to do...How do you find time that’s free of distraction? How do you connect to someone who feels invisible and not always easy to hear?