Benefits of Giving Stock

Have you considered the benefits of giving stock to InterVarsity?

Despite investment losses in recent years, stock you’ve owned for some time may be worth more now than when you bought it. Selling these appreciated shares, however, triggers income tax on the gain in value. Alternately, if you’ve owned the stock for more than a year and it’s worth more now that when you bought it, transferring that stock to InterVarsity can be a wise way to do your giving.

Why? Because:

  • your gift costs you less when you can both avoid the capital gains tax and take a charitable deduction for the full value of the securities, and

  • you can retain the cash you would have given and use it for other purposes.

To give using securities that are worth less now than when originally purchased, it’s best to sell these depreciated shares first, and then make your gift from the cash proceeds. Then you can both deduct the amount of your cash gift and claim a capital loss to offset any capital gain you may have realized in selling other assets.

For examples or more information about giving with stock or mutual funds, please call Gary Kopan, Estate and Gift Planning Officer, toll free at 1.866.734.4823, ext. 3685, or visit our Gift Planning. Always consult with your professional advisors about your specific circumstances.

Updated December 7, 2016