
She made sure that Paul Little's legacy is still available to new generations of seekers

UCLA's Can This Wait conference encourages students to answer Jesus' call to faith.

One of the best parts of my job is to receive first-hand accounts of students and faculty accepting the Father's gift of salvation through Jesus. And that has been occurring with increased frequency recently.

The InterVarsity chapter at New Mexico Tech has made evangelism an increasing priority

Anglican bishop N.T. Wright spoke for three nights on the Harvard University campus. Students who are interested in changing the world for the better heard messages on God's best plan for changing the world, through the sacrificial death of his son Jesus Christ.

Eight Christian fellowships on the campus of Harvard University are affiliated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, three chapters for undergraduate students and five chapters for graduate students. Those chapters sponsored a campus mission with Anglican Bishop N.T. Wright in mid-November in order to invite the broader campus to a dialogue on the issues of faith, hope and changing the world for the better.

In 2001 the number six haunted InterVarsity staff in San Diego. Six was the number of conversions the area had seen in the last year. It was after that that the team began to take evangelism much more seriously, and since that time over 900 students have become Christians.

Chapters in InterVarsity's Southeast region were challenged to be active in evangelism during April

Scripture teaches that human bodies are good because they bear the image of God

"The good news brings us to God," writes Brenda Salter McNeil, in her new book, "and it also brings life and healing to a broken, dying and divided world. Anything less is not the gospel."


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