By Teresa Buschur

Growing in Community

Lance, a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin—Madison, learned to boldly share his faith in Christ through his involvement in the InterVarsity chapter on campus. During Student Leadership Training 2007, held at Cedar Campus, an InterVarsity training center in Michigan near Mackinac Island, Lance and Ana, a fellow student, discussed and shared the gospel with three girls who were vacationing on the island.

Ana and Lance introduced themselves and asked whether the girls had a few minutes to talk about who they thought God to be. All three had been to church a few times growing up but never really understood the significance of attending services. As they were talking, Lance could tell the girls were really listening as they asked questions about who Jesus is, his death on the cross, and his gift of salvation to not only the entire world, but to them individually. As the conversation ended, one of the girls asked Lance and Ana where she should start reading the Bible. They suggested beginning with the gospel of Mark so that she could read and see for herself who Jesus is.

“I was afraid of being bold for Christ and had doubts and fears about contact evangelism, sharing the gospel with people we meet. I prayed… challenging God to show me that public evangelism could be effective… and he did. God gave me a true sense of joy in calling others to follow him. He showed me a glimpse of what evangelism should be,” Lance said.

“Rather than something to be afraid of, I now see contact evangelism more as a great opportunity to partner with God in the things he is already doing. My challenge now is for this to become more of a lifestyle rather than a one-time event. I am excited for what God can and will do on our campus this coming year,” Lance continues.

This year Lance leads a small group Bible study on campus, focusing on Scripture and community. Several students meet weekly to discuss the book of Romans and seek ways to apply its truths to their lives on the college campus. Lance encourages community within the group by planning opportunities for members to serve in the community of Madison together, enjoy meals as a group, and participate in fun social activities.

InterVarsity staff and students involved in campus communities are developing leaders who commit themselves to growing together and sharing the gospel of Christ.
