By York Moore

Starting a new chapter

The Lord had been putting on my heart a burden to visit Washtenaw Community College where we had no ministry. I scheduled a time to go and a few days prior to the visit, a woman from my church – Calvary Baptist in Canton – stopped me to ask if I had ever been to WCC. I said that I hadn’t but was going that week. She told me that her daughter, Megan, was now attending there and wanted to do evangelism.

I met with Megan that week and we went out to do evangelism. We led one guy to the Lord, J.R., and had an awesome opportunity to share with the Main Atheist on campus. Megan seems to know the whole campus already and is very zealous to share Jesus. What an answer to prayer.

After our time of evangelism was over, Megan told me that the reason she was so passionate to reach her campus for Christ was because of the large Wiccan presence on the campus. I’ve been back to the campus a few times now and have seen for myself how prevalent that population is on that campus. Witchcraft in general is a growing problem in Europe and on U.S. campuses and in the Suburban Ann Arbor/Plymouth-Canton area it seems to be growing particularly fast.

At the end of our first conversation, Megan said, “I’ll do anything to start an InterVarsity group here.” Music to my ears! She has since, in one week’s time, gathered 5 signing members and filled out the university paperwork to start a group. We will also plan an evangelism training seminar and a planning day for sometime this summer. Wow-God is awesome!

York Moore is a Regional Evangelism Coordinator in Michigan. For another perspective on spiritual warfare, see David Howard’s article on