InterVarsity Alumni Invited to Urbana 06

InterVarsity Alumni can never be first-time students again, but as alums, you can capture some of the vitality of the college experience once more.

Homecoming is an important way to reconnect with people and times in our life that we are fond of, and Urbana 06 is a perfect place to convene. While Urbana’s goal this year encourages attendees to listen and respond to God’s call in their lives, it will also house the biggest InterVarsity Alumni reunion ever. We hope that alumni will use the conference for large, sponsored gatherings and small, more personal reunions, but most importantly for listening to God.

We plan to make Urbana a unique place for Alumni by creating events programmed just for you. Think special dinners, behind-the-scenes tours designed for you, and receptions with speakers and guests. As Alumni, you can also choose to stay at a hotel filled with other alumni and regain that feeling of living in community. These are just a few of the options we have for our alumni family at Urbana 06.

Alumni will also enjoy the benefits of participating in the conference as full attendees. College may be over, but God’s calling on your life is not.

Many of the Seminar Majors and Tracks are pertinent to alumni. If you have a career in business, perhaps Open for Business is the right track for you. If you are a doctor or nurse, think about participating in the Health Care Major. Perhaps you have a heart for the AIDS pandemic; in that case the track Mission Through the Lens of AIDS would suit you well. Urbana provides many opportunities to serve the kingdom of God and consider the role of Missio Dei in the lives of InterVarsity alumni.

Whether you are in the workplace, still in school, or considering cross-cultural or international ministry, you have a calling. Urbana 06 can give you the opportunity to meet God, talk with old InterVarsity friends, and recapture what you loved about college. We hope you will come to Urbana in St. Louis, December 27-31, 2006. If you would like to register or find out more about Urbana 06, visit our website at