Identity in Christ

Students are seriously asking the questions: Who am I? and How can I contribute to the world? As InterVarsity students continue to pursue God at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA, many find themselves torn between the person everyone else wants them to be and the person God created.

InterVarsity students gather to study God’s Word, seeking to apply Scripture to God’s call in their lives. Recently, during a large group worship service, Chris Owens, InterVarsity staff at Bucknell University, asked the question: “Who do you live your life for?”

Many students feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of their professors, parents, and friends. Students try to please all these people at the same time, as well as find time to practice spiritual disciplines in their lives. As a result, most struggle with conflicting views on who they are and how they can best contribute to the world.

InterVarsity students and staff share the gospel of Christ on campus, training students to live for God and his kingdom. The campus Christian community encourages students to make disciples of all nations, starting on the college campus.

Encouraging students to pursue God, InterVarsity chapter members and staff share Christ’s love in word and deed, helping to transform the campus by the gospel message.