By Alec Hill

2020 Vision Campaign Ends

God truly has his hand on our ministry.  Our 2020 Vision Campaign was a success.


The 2020 Vision Campaign was launched to secure additional financial resources to reach future generations of students and faculty with the gospel. Our goal was to secure $10 million in current gifts and identify an additional $10 million in deferred or planned gifts, primarily through bequests.  Through God’s grace, we’ve exceeded those goals.  Today we can celebrate God’s continuing provision for our ministry through the $10,518,039 in current gifts and the $14, 670,934 in deferred gifts for a total of $25,188,973. Praise God who abundantly provides. 



This increase of funds will help us reach even more students and faculty with the gospel.  And we’ll be able to launch new programs for leadership development and for planting and building more Christian communities on campus.



In addition to those efforts, resources from the Vision Campaign will provide for enhancing our technological abilities to serve our staff, students, faculty, donors, and alumni.



An Exciting Season



This is an exciting season for InterVarsity.  But also a humbling season.  We are seeing God do through us more than we alone could ever do. Look at our conversion numbers. During the past five years, our conversion numbers have continued to increase. During those years, 11,035 people decided to follow Jesus. We praise God that in the 2009-2010 school year, we recorded 2,641 new believers. And the fall of 2010 has also proven to be a very fruitful with 1,390 becoming believers, which is a 13.9% increase over the fall of 2010.



It’s an awesome thing to see God moving among us.  But today isn’t the time to rest.  Many students, faculty, and school administrators still need to hear the gospel.  And watching other people being transformed by the gospel transforms us, motivates us to reach more students and faculty. For seventy years we’ve pressed forward to fulfill our mission to the American campus. Yet our past successes should only remind us to follow God’s leading even more closely.



That’s why we are now in the planning stages of both a new strategic plan that will help us discern God’s guidance in the years 2012 to 2017 and a new campaign. We need your prayers as we seek to reach more students and faculty with the Gospel. 



Thank you for your Support



I’m deeply thankful for you.  For your prayers, financial support, and commitment to our mission on campus.  This past successful Vision Campaign will help fund our efforts in evangelizing the campus, planting and building witnessing communities, developing student leaders, and through calling more people to God’s global mission.



The season of the 2020 Vision Campaign is now concluding.  But as one season ends, so new one begins. As we have carried on for the past seventy years, being faithful to God’s calling on our lives, we look forward to another season of ministry on campus.



For more information about InterVarsity’s 2020 Vision Campaign, please visit our Vison Campaign website.



If you wish to view more details about some of the ministry projects funded by the Campaign, click here to download a PDF file report.



If you have questions about InterVarsity’s 2020 Vision Campaign, please contact Joshua Hall, Director of Development and the 2020 Vision Campaign Director.