InterVarsity Institute

We provide consulting, coaching, and training experiences for leaders and organizations to help them achieve their mission by reflecting biblical values in the areas of race, gender, and sexuality.


Focus Areas

Biblical Diversity

We can help you

  • Deepen your biblical theology of diversity
  • Assess your team’s Cultural Intelligence ©
  • Develop a diversity and inclusion strategic plan
  • Increase retention and promotion of People of Color
  • Reflect global and multiethnic realities in worship
  • Practice inclusion skills, inclusive hiring, and cross-cultural supervision

Women & Men in Ministry Partnership

We can help you

  • Deepen your biblical theology of gender partnership
  • Assess your team’s partnership skills
  • Create a culture where women and men flourish
  • Train employees on essential partnership skills
  • Develop a personal or strategic gender partnership plan

Human Sexuality

We can help you

  • Deepen your biblical theology of human sexuality
  • Develop consistent policies and practices
  • Prepare for constituent and media conversations
  • Support sexual minority employees who embrace your convictions

Relational Evangelism

We can help you

  • Understand Biblical foundations for Evangelism
  • Learn the process of conversion (we call this the 5 Thresholds)
  • Redeem negative perceptions about “Evangelism”
  • Celebrate Evangelism as an important part of your church life
  • Live out “love of neighbor” in very practical ways

How to Get Started

1. Let’s Talk

Tell us about your situation, and we’ll help you determine your next steps.

2. Discern

Review our proposal and discern if our approach will meet your needs.

3. Hire

Catalyze organizational change with the support of our senior fellows.


Upcoming Training Experiences

woman and man at table laughing

Get started with the 5 Threshold Institute to lead your community in relational evangelism.

Calling, Courage & Contribution (C3): Thriving as a POC Organizational Leader

Registration for 2025 will be opening soon! | April 28-May 1, 2025

  • Discern your unique matrix of intersectional realities
  • Define and express your authentic voice and presence
  • Drive successful cross-cultural interactions
  • Develop a culture map to lead your organization’s mission

Our Expertise Is Field-tested


Of students in our ministry are People of Color


Organizations consulted and spoken to on gender equality


Ministries consulted over sexuality


Conversions over two decades


Our Senior Fellows

Rev. Phil Bowling-Dyer

Senior Fellow for Diversity

Elizabeth (Lisa) Sung, Ph.D.

Theologian in Residence

Rob Dixon, D.I.S.

Senior Fellow for Gender Partnership

Rev. Doug Schaupp 

Senior Fellow for Evangelism


Ready to thrive in today’s cultural realities?

Contact Us

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