InterVarsity staff in Florida are working with churches to reach more students.

A recent movie depicts the struggle between faith and doubt on campus. But what is it really like?

By Casey Beckley

For many of us, great InterVarsity staff workers are sometimes the closest thing we have to what we might consider modern-day saints. So as a very new follower of Jesus at 20 years of age, I had to work up a lot of courage to tell my staff worker about a secret sin that had been suffocating me ever since I realized how wrong it was.

By Andrea Lama

The sacrament of Communion seems a bit odd from our modern eyes. 

By Danny Profit Jr.

I recently hit a major wall in my relationship with God. 

By Kathryn Brill

Can we be sad and still worship God? What about angry? Confused? 

Yvonne Woods, the widow of InterVarsity/USA pioneer Stacey Woods, passed away April 7, 2014.

InterVarsity alumnus Will Haughey makes toys and fights poverty in Honduras.

By Laura Abrams

Throughout the past 25 years, God has placed me in four distinct churches that have differed in denomination, race, socioeconomic makeup, and language. In these different communities, God has grown

An Athletes InterVarsity staff member finds a wide open door for ministry at a track meet.
