Jeremy came to CSUN from a country where Christian faith was underground.

By Ryan Hammill

What happens when we follow God’s heart right into the midst of the urban poor?

Ministries to athletes and artists were launched during InterVarsity’s National Staff Conference.
By Debbie Abbs

While Jesus was on earth, he went to those who lived on the margins of life. Those folks whom society, including Christian society, wrote off and didn’t care about.

InterVarsity staff members return to St. Louis for our National Staff Conference.

Over the past eight years, planting chapters has become a major focus of the Fellowship.

By Jonathan Rice

What is Christian doctrine? 

InterVarsity alumnus Mac Pier's role in bringing churches together to impact New York City.

By Andy Kim

Growing up as a youth group kid, I always craved the “Worship Tinglies.”

By Kira Echeandia

I had some pretty high expectations for Urbana 12.
