By Jeannie Rose Field

The first time I was asked to share the gospel at a Proxe Station, I tried to get out of it.

By Keith Sun

It happens to all of us, regardless of whether we’re in school or in the working world. I’m talking about sloth, one of the infamous “seven deadly sins” (and for good reason!).

By Jaryd Regner

As a rising senior at Rutgers University in New Jersey, I believe everything that’s happened during college, good and bad, has happened for a reason. God has never made a mistake. 

Jonathan Walton directs InterVarsity's New York City Urban Project.

By Steven Grahmann

“Can my faith survive college?”

Whether or not you’ve said this out loud, it’s a question a lot of future college freshmen are asking this month as they think about leaving home for the first time and stepping onto campus in a few short weeks. 

Amos didn’t expect God to lead him into the world of fashion.

By Wes Foster

So, you’re engaged, or perhaps newlywed? Congratulations! By convincing somebody to tie the knot, you have achieved the most prestigious status in all of Christian life—spousehood. Remember all those sermons that you used to tune out because they were about husbands and wives?

By Brittany Small

Since I graduated from college three years ago, I’ve been a bridesmaid four times, kept two wedding guest books, and read Scripture in seven different ceremonies, and that’s just the list of weddings I’ve participated in.

"The passion of incoming staff is so palpable that my calling to the Fellowship is renewed annually."

By Alex Ly

I left college in the summer of 2012 with a sense that God wanted something great for my life. I just didn’t know what that looked like.
