• 14 - Please pray for new InterVarsity staff members in the New York/New Jersey region as they participate in training today through July 17 and prepare to share the Gospel with students on area campuses.
  • 15 - Pray for the 13 students from Pennsylvania State University in University Park to develop their leadership skills after attending Chapter Camp in May. Pray for boldness as they share God's truth with new students on campus during the fall semester.
  • 30 - Pray for the 135-plus new InterVarsity staff attending Orientation for New Staff in Madison, WI, who are receiving critical teaching and training for their different ministry positions across the nation.
  • 1 - InterVarsity students from the Great Lakes East region are ministering this month with the Ayore tribe in Bolivia, where girls are often sold into prostitution. Pray for clear communication as students share God's truth and invite participants to follow Christ.
By Katelin Hansen

When I started college, I couldn’t have named a single Black gospel singer. I was a classical music major with a narrow range of taste, and thought I already knew everything about what “good music” was.

By Adam Jeske

God’s wrath is troubling. God seems to choose some people … and not others. He gracefully invites and intensely disciplines. The God of the Bible—our Father—is accessible … and terrifying. Ten years ago this month, I became a father. 

"God is transforming the campus through Hmong students," says Alice Atkins.

By David Hui
Twentyonehundred Production’s associate producer David Hui offers a personal, powerful glimpse of growing up without a father, becoming a father, and learning to rest in the love of his true Father.
