By Lisa Rieck

Remember your commitment to keep growing in faith over the summer? InterVarsity Press happens to have some great new resources to help you do just that: the LifeGuide in Depth Series.

By Jacci Turner

If your life is like mine was, summer means leaving the support of your InterVarsity fellowship and church and living in the spiritual desert of your home environment. Without even a strong church tie at home, I spent my first two summers caught in a harmful cycle of sin, guilt, and little spiritual growth.

Lindsay came to Central College eager to plug in to InterVarsity's campus ministry.

By Alice Liu

At the end of every spring semester, college students across the nation gather for weeklong InterVarsity training conferences called Chapter Focus Weeks.  And this year at my area’s chapter camp, I

By Julia Powers

I’ve enjoyed life in college. A lot. I don’t think I’m alone in that. So when I got to the Blue Ridge Region’s chapter camp recently and entered a track called “Life After College,” I knew God was about to make me pretty uncomfortable.

By Lisa Liou

If you are a student in an InterVarsity chapter, there’s a very good chance that the transition from freshman to sophomore year will be hard for you.

By Kasey Kimball

In one year, I married off seven friends, left the neighborhood I’d inhabited since my first year of college, moved into a new house with two people who were never home, and lost my mentor when his wife took a job 500 miles away.

USC Grad Frank Park made a course correction half-way through college.

By Anthony Moore

How do I get a job? That’s what you want to know, right? And not just any job, but a “real” job! (If you’re like me, you never want to work retail another day of your life.)

By Willie Krischke

Assimilation is a powerful force, and hard to resist. I learned this watching Star Trek. Turns out it’s true, even in our culture that professes a love of diversity and individuality.
