By Jonathan Yee

The Kingdom of God always seems to catch me off guard. What I mean by that is: I never seem to ‘get used’ to it. It's so completely different from conventional thinking and ‘common sense.’

By Guyana Hand

My neighborhood’s the type of place InterVarsity students might visit for an Urban Project. It’s the type of place people lock their car doors as they drive through. Quite frankly, it’s the type of place young people don’t return to after college. 

By Drew Larson

This is how you know that Eugene Peterson—pastor, professor, and bestselling author of the Bible paraphrase The Message— is stone-cold cool.

“Last November, I went to the hospital. I began reevaluating what I was doing and why.”

By Jen Herrmann

I have received direct word from God about his will for your life. You can put away the college major guidebooks, career counseling sessions, and eharmony profiles. I know what he wants from you. Ready? Joy, prayer, and thankfulness. “Oh, come on! That’s not his will.

By Ryan Sutton

It's summertime. The weather is beautiful. Your high school and childhood friends are home from their respective schools. You hang out with your favorite brother or sister. You have that summer job. And most of all, you have no school work.

President Alec Hill describes the highlight of his year.

By Geoff Gentry

In 7thgrade, I was obsessed with Civil War history. During lunch I would sneak off to the library and read cheesy historical fiction about one of the bloodiest conflicts in American history. Some kids knew a lot about getting girlfriends; I knew a lot about Gettysburg.

New staff from around the country recently gathered at InterVarsity’s Orientation for New Staff.

By Mollie Emerson

I love sports, especially basketball and tennis. Recently, Wimbledon and the NBA draft has whet my appetite for these sports and inspired me to pick up a ball again. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm as a spectator did not translate to skills on the court.
