Sometimes you don’t know what you’re missing until someone tells you.

Skip McDonald does for college students what a college friend once did for her at Valdosta State.

By Laura Abrams

In InterVarsity, we have a central belief that the scriptures in the Bible are God’s Word—and these words speak to us.

Ohio State InterVarsity students respond with unity to troubling incidents.

By Jennifer Anderson

Alumni are bringing the varsity out of InterVarsity. For decades, InterVarsity has suffered through an identity crisis, being categorized as a ministry to athletes. “No, we’re not a sports group.”

By Jennifer Anderson

So, the other night I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.

Ben learned keys to discipleship when an upperclassman invited him for dinner.

By Abi Christian

InterVarsity is a fellowship made up of humans. Meaning: we don’t get everything right. Meaning: we’re still figuring out how to follow God. Meaning: honest feedback is hard to hear but good to know so we can continue to grow and let God use us—as individuals and as a fellowship—in students’ lives.

By Adam Jeske

Don Miller’s Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality has been made into a film and is opening in select cities this Friday, April 13, and more on Friday, April 20

By Rich Stearns

This Easter, we rejoice in something the world finds ridiculous. We celebrate the resurrection of a human being who spent days dead in a tomb. Of course, everyone knows dead people stay dead, say today’s intelligentsia. Modern science has proved it!
