By Drew Larson

In 28 hours I can be in Thailand.  I just looked it up, thanks to the miracle of the Internet, although I use that term loosely (miracle, not Internet). Right this moment, I can book a flight from Chicago to Bangkok and be wheels-up to Thailand in six hours, carrying nothing with me except a messenger bag filled with beef jerky...

God renewed Tim's call to ministry during 81 days of bed rest in a halo collar following a biking accident.

Every 3 years Urbana renews the invitation heard by saints of old.

By Santine Hsueh

Living communally was embedded throughout my Chinese-Christian upbringing. I learned the importance of doing life together and sacrificing for one another in humility—no matter what.

Lizzie has a passion for introducing others to God.

By Adam and Christine Jeske

First off, I’m a Christian. I’ve been reading the Bible since I was a kid. I’ve been trying to follow Jesus for almost 20 years. I think the Bible is the best explanation for my experience around the world, for how humans are and how to address that. We’ve recently written a book full of stories of how we’ve tried to follow Jesus overseas and now back in the U.S.

By Chris Nielson

How often do we view our citizenship as a gift that we’ve been given to steward?

Discipleship is one of our top 3 priorities.

By Anonymous

Dear 2012 Alumni, You’re on a journey that nobody can truly prepare you for. Maybe you participated in the graduating senior small group study Following Jesus in the Real World by Richard Lamb or maybe you attended the conference with workshops for graduating seniors.

By Amy Hauptman

"It is not enough for freedom to be won. It must also be sustained. Cultural observer Os Guinness argues that the American experiment in freedom is at risk....He calls us to reconsider the audacity of sustainable freedom and what it would take to restore it.” 
