By Steve Tamayo

When the graduating class tosses their mortarboards into the air this month, some of us will feel the temptation to collect all the stray hats and sell them on eBay.  We aren’t cheap or greedy.  We’re unemployed.

Across the country, InterVarsity campus staff members are marking the end of another year of ministry. For some it’s been a challenging year. For most it’s been a year filled with both trials and triumphs. What’s it like to come to the end of such a year?

By Gordon Govier

Secularism, the unofficial reigning world view on campus, is now a course of study at Pitzer College, in southern California.

A year ago, Allison wasn't sure what she believed about God. "Depending on the day you talked to me, I was atheist or agnostic," she said. In February, a friend invited her to a Q&A session about God.

The nursing approach taught in many schools values wholistic care but leaves God out of the picture. “In NCF we're mobilizing students to be committed to whole person care,” said NCF director Jane Hall.”

Ministry with a campus-wide impact.

Wisconsin InterVarsity students seek God in the inner city.

University of Iowa students find transformation during spring break.

Alec Hill shares his book list for 2011

By Alec Hill

By what means do we grow close to God and become more like Jesus? What set of personal and corporate spiritual disciplines further our spiritual formation?
