More and more students are attending college but they are looking for more than just getting an education.

By Tammy Eckhart

Studying abroad can feel like a vacation – a break from real school (at your home university) and real life. But there’s so much more to studying abroad if you’ll let Jesus guide you and be willing to learn from him.

By Julia Powers

Upon arriving in a new city or on a college campus, you might think, “How am I supposed to find a church in this place? I just got here! I hardly know where the dining hall is!” The even more confounding question follows...

By Lauren Anderson

I grew up in church, faithfully attended youth group, and was pretty serious about my faith throughout high school. So when I came to college, I knew I had a choice to make.

Thank God for:

  • Thirty-five staff and students who participated in InterVarsity’s second South Asian Leadership Institute and were inspired and equipped to advance the Kingdom of God around the world.
  • Kimberly Blackford, newly appointed area director in Kentucky.

Please pray for:

Please pray for:

  • Students to embrace InterVarsity’s vision and share the Gospel on campus as new ministries to Greek, African American, and Asian American students are planted this year at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb.
  • Students on campuses throughout the California-Nevada Surf and Turf division to seek deeper relationships with Jesus Christ and each other as they discuss the book of Acts and the theme Called to a Greater Purpose during fall conference October 21-23 in Ventura, CA.

Thank God for:

  • Information Technology Services staff in Madison, WI, and computer systems which serve our staff and supporters well by providing efficient and useful help.
  • Members of the Great Lakes West regional team who have developed a long-range plan addressing staff development, recruitment, and student leadership for Asian American Ministries.
  • Nine students who gave their lives to Jesus through contact evangelism.

Please pray for:

    Thank God for:

    • The amazing partnership that is developing between Rachel Dooley-Tucker, InterVarsity campus staff member, and the Gospel Choir at the University of Miami in Florida.

    Please pray for:

    • Student leaders and staff on campuses in the Central Carolinas area as they begin a three-year plan to engage the campuses with ongoing, faithful, and strategic missional activity to encourage ministry growth.

    Thank God for:

    • New staff joining InterVarsity in the New York City area, along with the increase in evangelism and chapter growth on campuses.
    • Three international students who accepted Christ in the Blue Ridge region and also pray for international students who have recently returned to their home countries.

    Please pray for:

      Thank God for:

      • Growing work among Latino students in the Chicago West area in Illinois. Also pray for these students to see the Gospel transform their communities on campus.
      • Black Scholars & Professionals with InterVarsity’s Graduate & Faculty Ministries who served and shared the hope of Jesus Christ during a summer missions project to Australia.

      Please pray for:

      • Bill Harward as he develops InterVarsity Nurses Christian Fellowship chapters on campuses in southwest Florida.
