By Greg Hsu

Since we change so much at college, the old patterns of home can create friction when we try to bring the two worlds together, especially when it comes to witnessing to our friends. We want to start by hearing their story and sharing our story.

By Greg Hsu

Returning home after a year at college can be a challenge. Now that we’ve experienced God’s work in our lives, we want to introduce our friends to him. But how can we witness back home when we never did before?

The Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization has named InterVarsity’s Tom Lin as new International Deputy Director for North America.

As the Senior Marketing Director for Zondervan, Alicia Mey works on strategic and creative ways of getting resources to the world, so that people might be transformed by God.

By Amy Hauptman

I – like most college graduates – will be “wearing my debt” for the next 5-20 years after graduation. 

Dave’s vision for business was transformed into service for others as a result of his time spent in the Kellogg Christian Fellowship InterVarsity Chapter, contrary to the messages he received at one of the nation’s best graduate schools for business.

By D.B.

Moving from the States to serve students in Bosnia & Herzegovina 2 1/2 years ago introduced me to countless different ways of doing life. 

When her staff members encouraged her to join them on a summer global project in the Far East, Susan cautiously said she’d pray about it. As she prayed, God began to change her heart and provide the resources for her to go.

By Jonathan Rice

“If the Lord were to grant you the answer to one question, what would you ask?”  Paul Little offers this challenge in his article, “How Good is God’s Will?” in the June 1982 issue of InterVarsity’s HIS magazine.  What he concludes is that such a question would probably express our need to receive God’s guidance. 

An InterVarsity student leader submitted the winning slogan to be affixed to Freedom Rock at Shasta College, and then delivered the first speech at the new campus fixture.
