Thank God for:

  • Walter Turner and Erin Waller who are planting new InterVarsity chapters this fall at the University of Texas at Arlington and Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
  • New students joining the leadership team for the InterVarsity Athletes ministry at the University of Delaware in Newark.

Please pray for:

    Thank God for:

    • Forty InterVarsity students and staff from Texas and Oklahoma who have finished serving on summer missions projects around the world.

    Please pray for:

    • Freshmen and transfer students at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria; and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, to feel welcomed during New Student Outreach. Also pray for people to accept Christ into their lives early in the semester.
    By Autumn Rupkey

    Returning to campus after an InterVarsity Global Project or Urban Project is often a more difficult journey than actually leaving a comfortable life for six weeks. It’s the coming back that is the true test of who you are and who you’ve become.

    With three times as many small group leaders as last year, we’re excited to see how God will use our small groups to reach more of our campus.

    John Cheng decided to start the school year with open-air evangelism instead of the traditional barbecue meet-and-greet, to encourage a culture of invitation at UC-Davis.

    Joe didn’t understand how his InterVarsity friends could be so trusting of God, yet all the while he was intrigued by how they wanted to follow Jesus.

    InterVarsity staff, students, and alumni, are saddened to hear of the passing of John R. W. Stott, Rector Emeritus of All Souls Church in London and Urbana conference expositor from 1964 to 1979.

    The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students is holding its quadrennial World Assembly at a university in Krakow, Poland, and InterVarsity staff are there.

    By Lauren Anderson

    Named the country’s most dangerous city in 2011 for its violent crime, Flint, Michgan is also home to 30,000 college students.

    "All I really knew about InterVarsity was that I was to try and find it, and that my aunts Marian and Margaret had both served on campus staff in the late 1950’s."
