Alumni and Staff Profiles
<p>For profiles and stories about our alumni and staff ministers, please visit </p>
Len Andyshak has impacted the lives of thousands of students and faculty during his 50 years with InterVarsity.
Silbano uses his story and experiences to reach often overlooked corners of campus, including formerly incarcerated students.
Next month, Imer Santiago will lead thousands of students in multicultural musical worship in Indianapolis.
NFL running back, teaching pastor, partner at a prestigious management consulting company—InterVarsity alumnus Jason Wright has quite the resume. And in the summer of 2020, he added a new accomplishment: becoming the NFL’s first Black team president.
Whether in worship leading, in discipleship, or as chapter president, Elisha was willing to invest his skills to further ministry on campus.
The InterVarsity Alumni Association is thrilled to name Kat an Alumni Hero. Her dedication and commitment to students is so inspiring!
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in early 2020, Dr. Lim used her professional expertise and networks, honed over nearly two decades of disease outbreak work, to help Singapore craft an appropriate national response.
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