
The solution we long for is God’s justice—true, lasting justice, of which violence has no part.

How do you get a whole campus, one of the largest campuses in the U.S., to listen to God? That's the goal next week when InterVarsity brings The Price of Life Invitational to Ohio State University.

Despite the frequent enticements in our society to pursue personal comfort and pleasure, InterVarsity alumni are among the vanguard of young adults choosing to sacrificially serve people in need.

Students walking across Stanford University's White Plaza on May 21, 2009, were surprised to see four goats and a yak grazing on the grass. Many stopped to pet the goats and have their pictures taken with them, which is just what the members of InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship were hoping they would do.

It was a watermelon picnic where Katie Rigby connected with InterVarsity as a new freshman at Wake Forest University. And it was a small group InterVarsity Bible study that she led as a sophomore that awakened her passion for social justice and eventually led her to Teach for America.

"The good news brings us to God," writes Brenda Salter McNeil, in her new book, "and it also brings life and healing to a broken, dying and divided world. Anything less is not the gospel."


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