Spiritual Formation

The Gospel of Christmas

If I, a woman, were to write the gospel of the entry of God into the world as one of us, I’m pretty sure I would not start with his human genealogy, as Matthew does. 

Do I Really Trust God?

Advent is a season of anticipation. Anticipation for a Savior to bring light into a dark world. But it has a melancholy tenor to it. It’s the time before the joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that we remember at Christmas. A time of uncertainty.

The Incarnation, the Early Church, and You

The Nicene Council decided that the triune Godhead is fully present in Jesus, in whom the reality of God’s love for humanity is demonstrated. Furthermore, and most importantly for our understanding of missional Christianity, the incarnation implies our participation in this fallen world’s healing.

Sanctuary and Savoring

For the time being, I’m ignoring the toys and socks strewn across my living room to sit on my couch and drink tea. 

7 Things We Need to Learn from the Global Church

Sadly, we in the U.S. are not widely recognized as learners, as thoughtful disciples, as understanding people. We are still mostly known for our lack of language learning, our ethnocentricity, and our cultural imperialism, all understandably. But thankfully, we are growing.

No Job Is a Calling (and 4 Reasons That’s Good News)

Few things in life are as frustrating as a terrible job.

Christian Unity in an Ever-Divisive World

Reasons for our lack of lived-out unity are many. I offer four themes I’ve observed and questions to consider.

This Is Our Command

Love is a pretty big deal.

How to Love God (and Others) with Your Mind

In college, I spent countless hours studying: polishing essays, working through complex derivations, learning new vocabulary. In the busyness, I was often drawn back to the greatest commandment: “Honor the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” I wondered especially about honoring God with my mind. 

Praying Audacious Prayers

I’m trying to pray audacious prayers.

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