Spiritual Formation

Overcoming January Defeat

Many of you have probably made resolutions or goals to be more awesome this year. 

God Is with You. Do You Know It?

“That’s not a good prayer,” my InterVarsity staff member challenged me, much to my surprise. 

If Jesus Is the Prince of Peace, Where’s the Peace?

For all its manifold charms—Vince Guaraldi’s evergreen jazz score first among them—the highlight of the Charlie Brown Christmas special is the moment when Linus recites the story of the angels announcing Jesus’ birth.

The Discipline I Almost Missed

I’m a practical Midwestern girl, born to a certified public accountant. 

Tips for Kicking the Gratitude Killers

My wife writes the best thank-you notes. They make people cry. 

To Celebrate the Communion of Saints

American evangelicals are rediscovering the church calendar.

How to Make Wise Decisions

I have the good fortune (misfortune?) of being located in a highly competitive congressional district right in the midst of election season. 

The Problem with Holiness

St. Augustine famously prayed, “Lord, grant me holiness, but not yet.” (Domine, da mihi sanctitiam, sed noli modo.) We may relate to his prayer. 

The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

On occasion—usually when it’s bright and sunny out and I’m not doing much of anything—I’ll look up and notice that the hounds of my worst mental habits have gotten loose. 

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