Spiritual Formation

By Scott Bessenecker

In the movie Django Unchained, a freed slave named Django is employed by a bounty hunter. 

By Adam Jeske

A couple months ago, I was living in South Africa. Our power went out regularly, our water was kind of chunky some days, and there was a fair amount of crime. 

By Lisa Schrad

I know—nobody enjoys confessing their sins. But I tend to think it’s even worse for perfectionists like me. 

By Lisa Liou

As we sat side by side watching our kids’ practice, he showed concern about an issue with his son. I could relate. 

By Julia Powers

I used to think a leader was someone who knows a lot, talks a lot, and works a lot. 

By Willie Krischke

What is peace? We often define it in terms of what it isn’t—as in, it’s the absence of conflict or distraction or anything that makes us feel uncomfortable or disturbed. 


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