The True Gift of Healing Prayer
I heard a sermon about how the true beauty of healing prayer lies in its portrayal of the kingdom of heaven. It invites us to know Jesus more intimately. I didn’t really understand this until I saw healing prayer work differently than I expected.
Diving into Jonah—Overcoming Reluctant Ears, Hearts & Eyes
Reluctant. That’s how I see the prophet Jonah in his eponymous book. I get that reluctance. I wonder if that’s why I resonate with Jonah.
Parenting beyond the Five-Minute Future
Right now it may be hard to think of anything long-term—even the next five minutes may seem overwhelming—but God is faithful and asks us to not only look at the next five minutes with anticipation but to also find peace in knowing that he has all our minutes, hours, and days.
The Weary World Rejoices
Right now, we are corporately waiting. We’re waiting for this pandemic to be over. We’re also waiting to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Epiphany Reflection — A God Who Wants to Be Found
That, I think, is why the Lord used a star to lead the Magi. It shows us a God that wants to be found.
One Family—Learning Alongside International Students
As Christians called to reach the nations and honor God’s heart for justice, we must share a full gospel—one that confronts injustice wherever it takes place—and make space for international students to meaningfully engage with God’s Word in our US context with us and in their own way.
Context & Community—Striving to Be Good Missionaries
Throughout my life, I never thought I’d be a missionary, let alone a good one. But as followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), called to share his good news to all people, we’re all missionaries in some sense (Matt 28:19–20). And being called to be a missionary on campus has brought a lot of healing in my life.
White-knuckling It through 2020
As this year draws to a close, I realize I’ve too often been white-knuckling my way through it, just trying to hold on, keeping my grip for just a little longer. And that’s just not healthy.
Jesus as Prophet—Repentance & a New Reality
What roles does Jesus play in your life? In college, I would have said things like “Savior,” “Lord,” “Friend,” and “Redeemer” due to my church upbringing and perhaps whatever worship songs were sung that Sunday. Out of all the possibilities, however, I’m convinced that “Prophet” would have been on the bottom of my list. And I don’t think I’m alone in this either.
Post-Grad Reflections: An Identity beyond Labels & Routines
As I accepted my diploma, a chunk of my identity flaked off: “student.” I’d worked hard and anticipated the day when I wouldn’t have this label anymore. But as I entered the new year as a graduate, I felt untethered.